woensdag 16 december 2015

A window and some tea and new paint...

I went out today. It was a bit rainy so I sketched a gothic window under a bridge. Not much later I got myself a nice cup of tea. This one was made with much less pencil work than the previous sketches.

I am also looking into new watercolors as some are running out. I'm not sure if I go for Daniel Smith, Blockx (Belgian brand) or Winsor & Newton. The first 2 are (from what I hear) from a high quality but they are more expensive. Something to think about for me...

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Get good quality paints. But you don't have to get too many colours. Maybe just one yellow, two reds and two blues.

    1. Thanks! I'm basing myself on Jane Blundell's Ultimate Mixing Palette.
